Orangetheory Classes July 2024

Orangetheory Classes

Orangetheory Classes Informaation: In an OrangeTheory class, there are about 18 people who work at different stations for several rounds.

Orangetheory is a group workout for the whole body that uses science, coaching, and technology to get the best results possible from the inside out.

orange theory fitness

What is OrangeTheory?

In 2010, Ellen Latham, who started OrangeTheory, taught Pilates at her studio, “Ellen’s Ultimate Workout,” which she had opened in the 1990s.


Even though her clients were getting more assertive in their cores and felt great, they weren’t losing much weight.

They started asking their coach Ellen if she could come up with the best workout to burn fat and calories.


With 40 years of experience in physiology, Latham took on the challenge and, after trying out and testing different ideas, came up with the Orangetheory workout.

It is based on the physiological theory of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). It is a heart rate-monitored training program that is meant to rev up your metabolism to the max.


OrangeTheory is complicated enough to burn many calories during the workout and for up to 36 hours afterward.

But it’s not so hard that you can’t keep going for the whole hour.

What’s an OrangeTheory Class Like?

  • Treadmills
  • Rowing Machines
  • Squats
  • Step Ups
  • High Knees
  • Bench Hops
  • Box Jumps
  • And much more

▶ Treadmills

OrangeTheory lessons focus on heart rate. Daylong classes are provided.

OTF isn’t just a floor or yoga mat HIIT class.

They employ exercise equipment to boost heart rate and burn fat.

OrangeTheory has many exercise machines. Each session uses fitness equipment and floor exercises to increase heart rate.


A class may employ a treadmill and indoor water rowers. Half the class uses treadmills, and the other uses water rowers.

Both groups will use fitness equipment.

Other weight-room equipment may be present. Medicine balls, dumbbells, TRX straps, BOSU trainer, Ab Dolly, stationary cycle, strider machine.

  • REFLEX Cushioning
  • 1-Step Controls
  • Large LED Screen
  • High Weight Capacity

Rowing Machines

Rowing machines are becoming increasingly popular in modern gyms, and it’s easy to see why.

These aerobic machines, which are designed to make you feel like you’re moving oars through the water to work out key muscle groups and give you a cardio workout, have a good reputation for helping you build muscle, improve your heart health, burn calories, and improve your exercise posture.

rowing machine

  • Magnetic Rowing Machine
  • Water Rowing Machine
  •  Rowing Machine With Multiple Resistance Levels
  •  Foldable Rowing Machine
  • Incline Rowing Machine


One of the best all-around, compound exercises for building strength in the lower body is the squat.

Compound exercises work many joints and muscle groups at once to make the body more robust and better able to do things.


The squat works most on the front of the leg and the glutes, but it also works on other muscles as well. Different foot positions and depths of squats can work other leg muscles, like the hamstrings in the back of the upper leg and the adductors and gracilis on the insides of the upper portion.

  • Barbell front squat
  • Barbell back squat
  • Dumbbell squat
  • Split squat
  • Hack squat
  • Sumo squat
  • Single-leg squat

Step Ups

The step-up is an exercise for your lower body that works your leg muscles. Step-ups are done by standing in front of a raised surface that is knee-height, like a plyometric box or bench.

steps up

Put your right foot on top of the raised surface and push through your right leg to lift your body up onto it.

Slowly step down with your left leg, and then lead the next rep with your left foot. For this exercise, you can use your own body weight or hold dumbbells to make it more difficult.


  • Step-ups can increase leg strength
  • Step-ups can even out strength imbalances
  • Step-ups can enhance stabilization
  • Step-ups are versatile

▶ High Knees

High knees might look like an easy exercise, but doing a few sets of this high-energy move gets your heart rate up, works your lower body and core muscles, and makes you sweat quickly.

High knees can also be used as a warm-up, a burst of cardio between resistance exercises, or as part of a high-intensity interval training workout.


Are you ready to find out how high knees can help you? Read on to find out how to do high knees, what they are suitable for, what muscles they work, how to change them, and when to do them.

How do you do high knees?

  • Stand tall with your feet about hip-to-shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides.
  • Open your chest and use your core muscles while you look straight ahead.
  • Bring your right knee toward your chest, just above waist level, to start. Move your left hand up in a pumping motion at the same time.
  • Drop your right leg and left hand quickly.
  • Do the same thing with your left hand and left leg.
  • Switch between your right and left leg for as long as you want.

Bench Hops

Bench hops are an exercise you can do at home that works your hamstrings and quadriceps, as well as your abs, calves, glutes, and hip flexors.

bench hops

Box Jumps

Get ready to jump around if you don’t mind a challenge and a little fun when you work out.

Box jumps are great for experienced exercisers who want to try something new.

Before adding box jumps to your routine, take a break if you’re just starting out or if you’re hurt.

In this case, talk to a doctor and a personal trainer with a lot of experience in form and technique before you jump in.

box jump

Box jumps are a classic plyometric exercise in which you jump from the floor up onto something higher, like a box.

This workout is hard, and it works on your:

  • quads
  • glutes
  • hamstrings
  • calves

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What to expect in an Orangetheory class

Before your first Orangetheory class, you’ll need to arrive at least 30 minutes early to fill out some paperwork, talk about your health and fitness goals, get set up on their heart rate monitors, and go over some general safety rules.

In fact, your heart rate is shown on a screen at the front of the class so you can keep track of how long you’ve been in each zone.


It would help if you tried to get 12 “splat points,” which is equal to 12 minutes in the orange and red zones (one “splat” per minute).

Even though each class is different, they usually have three parts: rowing, cardio, and strength training (5).

First, the rowing machine is best for building muscle strength, power, and endurance. It gets your heart rate up and works 85% of your muscles, giving you a full-body workout (5).

Next, you’ll do interval cardio, which is usually done on a treadmill and includes different speeds, hills, and rest periods. You can use an exercise bike instead of a treadmill if you can’t use a treadmill (5).

Lastly, there is an open floor area where you can work on your strength. This can include many activities, such as bodyweight exercises, weight training, and other floor exercises (5).

Benefits of Orangetheory, according to a trainer

Full-body workout

Orangetheory classes are a great way to work out your whole body.

The classes include both cardio and strength training for the whole body. This is perfect for people who have a lot going on and want to get the most out of their 60-minute exercise class.

Also, high-intensity exercise can be a great way to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, which is essential for performance and for lowering your risk of chronic disease.

Burns a lot of calories

500–1,000 calories can be burned in a single 60-minute Orangetheory class, which is a lot.

When you work out hard, you use up a lot of energy. To do this, your body “burns” calories to keep you going.

The number of calories you burn depends on many things, like your body size, your sex at birth, your level of fitness, and how hard you work out.

For example, a 170-pound (77-kg) person would burn about 269 calories in 20 minutes on a rowing machine, 257 calories in 20 minutes of running at a 6-mph pace, and 154 calories in 20 minutes of intense weight training, for a total of 680 calories (8).

Also, if you spend at least 12 minutes in the orange and red zones during the workout, you may burn more calories afterward.

A lot of variety

If you’re one of the many people who can’t stand doing the same exercises over and over, you’ll probably love Orangetheory classes.

No two workouts are the same, and each class is different. This means that every time you go to the gym, you’ll face a new challenge, which can be a great way to keep you going.

Your effort is personal

What one person thinks of as “high intensity” might not be the same for another. Your maximum heart rate is unique to you and depends significantly on how fit you are, how old you are, how much you have done, and other things.

The OTbeat heart rate monitor can tell you which zone you’re in and whether you need to go harder or easier.

This means that one person can be in the orange zone by speed-walking up a hill, while another person can get there by sprinting. Overall, the workout can be changed to fit your needs, and the coaches can help you do this.

You can track your progress

In class, your OTbeat score will show up on a screen, and you can also connect a heart rate monitor to the Orangetheory app.

This can help you keep track of your progress and other measurements, such as calories burned, splat points, average heart rate, average maximum heart rate, and time spent in each zone.

You can also sign up for classes and join monthly challenges on your phone.

You can tailor your workout to your needs

If you can’t do an exercise or don’t want to, your trainer will give you a different one or a modified one.

If you can’t use the treadmill, for example, you can choose an exercise bike or striders.

FAQ – Orangetheory Classes


What does an Orangetheory class consist of?

Orangetheory is a full-body workout that takes one hour and focuses on building endurance, strength, or power.

We use Heart Rate Based Interval Training, which burns more calories after a workout than a traditional workout.

Does Orangetheory get you in shape?

Like other HIIT workouts, OrangeTheory is a great choice for people who want to burn fat, build muscle, and keep their overall health in good shape. Bowen says,

“There’s no doubt that interval training can be a good way to burn calories in a short amount of time.”

Is Orangetheory hard on your body?

Classes like the ones at OTF, which are very hard, put a lot of stress on your body. If you’re already stressed out from work, relationships, a strict diet, etc., taking 4-5 very stressful classes is a surefire way to make things worse

This article I have created to give you the complete information about the Orangetheory Classes with its services you get.

Check out the given all details which helps you to know about the OrangeTheory. Get detailed information about membership at

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Disclaimer: We gathers actual OrangeTheory cost information from sources such as on-site visits, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. the OrangeTheory cost reported on this website may not be current and may vary by location. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual fitness centre of interest to you.

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