Orangetheory Splat Points July 2024

Orangetheory Splat Points

Orangetheory Splat Points Information: In the Orangetheory universe, Splat Points are used to track how much time is spent in the Orange and Red zones.

Orangetheory co-founder Ellen Latham and the OTF fitness experts say that we should try to get at least 12 Splat Points in every class to burn the most calories, even if we only work out for an hour.

orange theory fitness

What are splat points?

The Orangetheory “points” system is called “splat points,” It lets you know exactly how long you’ve been in the orange and red heart rate zones together.


You’ve earned that afterburn if you get twelve splat points. All of the data is sent to the Orangetheory app, where you can track your goals, see stats from every workout you’ve done at the studio, and even schedule your next class.

Are you hooked on splat points? First: I don’t blame you. Second, you can track workouts you do outside of the studio when you wear your OT beat and earn even more points.


Splat points are not only a way to motivate yourself in class to try to get the first splat point or beat your record, but they also help your body change because you’re constantly pushing yourself and getting your heart rate up.

What are splat points in Orangetheory?

At Orangetheory Fitness, your workout intensity is measured by your heart rate zones and “splat points.”


You can think of splat points as a simplified way to describe and keep track of how hard your last workout was. You can also use them to compare the results of your workouts from the past. Their coaches can provide more information on Splat Points

How it works is as follows:

What happens when you get splat points?

Orangethroty Fitness says that if you get 12 or more splat points, you’ll burn more calories and get better results by making the most of your EPOC and afterburn.

You will also get stronger in your heart and lungs.

Look at the monitors

During the class, everyone’s name and my heart rate zone, as well as the color of each site, are shown on a big TV screen.

The blue and green zones are aerobic, while the orange and red zones are anaerobic.

After the class

I can see my results right after the class on the Orangetheory Fitness mobile app or by email.

What Happens If I Don’t Get Enough Splat Points?

  • If you don’t earn enough splat points, what happens? Does that imply that your workout isn’t going well?
  • It’s not always a sign that you aren’t getting the most out of your workout if you aren’t receiving any or enough splat points.
  • Splat points are merely one indicator of how well your training is going.
  • Even if you don’t earn those splat points, going to class already improves your health.
  • Many people contend that your foundation shouldn’t solely be the splat point algorithm. The body’s ability to burn fat can be impacted by a variety of circumstances.
  • Do you look and feel better now? If so, that’s sufficient.
  • Losing weight and becoming more physically fit shouldn’t solely be determined by splat points. however, they

Orangetheory post-workout email

OTF splat points email report

Here is a list of the metrics that are in my email.

  • Number of steps
  • The number of splat points
  • Calories burned
  • Distance run
  • Workout duration
  • Peak heart rate
  • Average speed
  • Average heart rate
  • Average % of max heart rate

How do Orangetheory splat points work?


For every minute you are in the orange zone or higher on the clock, you get one “splat point.”

With the help of OTbeat, a chest-strap monitor that also checks your heart rate and blood pressure, OTF keeps track of your splat points.

During the exercises, members may be able to see real-time statistics, which might encourage them to work harder and get into the desired orange zone.

How Can I Get More OTF Splat Points?

Some people find it easy to get splat points. Some people just have to work hard to get their heart rate up to that certain zone and then they can coast along.

People who are new to OrangeTheory often find it easy to get splat points. Their bodies haven’t yet adjusted to OTF’s system.

(If you want a quick result, you can try an 8-week transformation challenge every few months or Dri tri)

As the body gets stronger and more aerobically fit, it can be harder to land those splat points.

Increase Base Speed At The Treadmill:

You might not be getting to the orange and red zones because your base speed is already too slow. To do this, you need to find a base speed that will get you to the high green.

So, when you push, you’ll be able to get to the orange or red zone quickly.

This method works, but you should still make sure that you can run on the treadmill comfortably when you are at the base recovery.

If you’re not, you might want to start from a lower point.

Increase Your Incline:

Instead of increasing the speed, you can make the slope steeper. This is a good option for people who aren’t used to going faster.

Some people like this because they don’t like how fast it goes. If you tend to be clumsy and are worried about getting hurt as the speed goes up, changing the slope is a good idea.

Even if the speed stays the same, your body will have to work harder if the incline goes up. You don’t have to make the slope very steep.

Small changes can sometimes be enough.

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Why do I care about Orangetheory splat points?

I like to keep track of my fitness results, and splat points are just another way for me to see if I’m getting better (or not).

Also, getting more splat points is supposed to make the “afterburn” effect stronger after a workout.

Orangetheory afterburn effect

The afterburn effect of exercise is also called EPOC, which stands for “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption,” or “oxygen debt.”

After a high-intensity OTF workout, it is the temporary increase in oxygen consumption and, as a result, energy use.

EPOC may be a reason why some people lose more fat with interval training than with steady-state exercise, according to an article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

The afterburn effect can be thought of as the time when the body needs more oxygen to get its metabolism back to normal.

How many splat points should you get?

Ellen Latham, co-founder of Orangetheory Fitness, says that you should spend at least 12 minutes of your workout in the orange or red zone.

This means that you should get about 12 Splat Points per class in order to burn the most calories.

I agree with this approach because the intensity of your workout is important if you want to change your body shape, health, or performance.

But you don’t have to train hard and keep track of splat points to get the results. One of the four FITT principles is the exercise prescription model, and one of its parts is the intensity of the exercise.

These are the four FITT principles:

  • Time
  • Intensity
  • Frequency
  • Type of exercise


Time tells you how long you should train each time. For example, instead of focusing on splat points, you can make your workouts longer (high-volume low-intensity training).


How hard you should train is what intensity means.


Frequency tells you how many times you should train in a week or a month. For example, instead of keeping track of splat points, you could just work out more often (high-frequency training).

Type of exercise

A type of exercise that tells you what kind of workout you should do (cardio or strength).

“Intensity may play a disproportionate role in driving improvement in cardiorespiratory response to exercise training,” says early research (Neufer, 1989).

But this theory has some good points and some bad points.

? For Example: These studies were done on endurance athletes who were well-trained or at the top of their sport, not on people who were just active for fun.

In the most recent research on people who are active for fun, it says that “physiological adaptations to different forms of training vary greatly from person to person, with as many as 20% showing no adaptation at all” (Timmons et al. 2010).

In other words, when people train at the same intensity levels, they get very different results, and some don’t even get better.

Splat Points vs calories burned

Splat points represent the amount of minutes spent exercising at an intensity of at least 84% of your maximal heart rate.

The number of calories burned is an indicator of how much energy you expended during the entire OTF workout.


  • The more splat points you earn after class, the more calories you expended.
  • Splat points display the amount of time your heart rate is raised.
  • Online calorie counters estimate that the body burns 5 calories for every liter of oxygen consumed, so increasing oxygen intake will result in more calories burned.
  • I burn between 16 and 17 calories for each splat point, according to my Garmin watch.

Other ways to use splat points

In the table below, you can see how the splat points compare in terms of your training.

  What Are Splat Points Good For? Splat points are an excellent way to keep track of how well you’re doing and how hard you’re working.

You can keep track of your progress in cardiorespiratory fitness with splat points.

Splat points are an excellent way to develop simple goals for daily activities.

What Are Splat Points NOT Good For? Splat points are NOT a good way to figure out if your workout was good or not (for example, you can have zero splat points yet still train for 60 minutes).

Splat points are NOT a good way to make up for overeating.

Splat points are NOT a good way to lose weight, control your weight, or get your body into a particular shape or size.

It is NOT a good idea to link splat points to calories burned.

How many splat points for performance?

How many splat points you need will depend on what you want to do and how well you can do it.

People who want to run a marathon in 2 hours and 40 minutes need 60 to 100 Splat Points per week.

People who want to run longer should focus less on Splat Points and more on training in the Blue and Green Zones.

To improve your performance

You should concentrate on training in the heart rate zones 3, 4, and 5 (running longer or faster while maintaining the same speed). This can be carried out outside or in the OTF classroom.

Training at this intensity promotes increased muscle glycogen synthesis and lactate threshold. You need at least 20–30 splat points per session for optimum results.

Can you get too many splat points?

Overall, if you train hard every day at higher intensities, you risk getting too many splat points.

This, however, is not the best form of exercise and increases the risk of injury and overtraining. You require at least 1-2 days of recovery in order to train at the highest possible volume per week.

How much does Orangetheory cost?

Orangetheory has three different membership plans with different prices. The prices also change depending on where you live, with higher prices in places like Manhattan.

On the Basic plan, which costs about $59 a month, you can take 4 classes each month. With the Elite plan, which starts at $99 per month, you can take 8 classes each month.

Choose the Premier plan, which costs between $169 and $279 and lets you take as many classes as you want.

You’ll also need to buy or rent an HR monitor that works with Orangetheory, which can cost between $70-$100 to buy or $5–$10 per class to rent.

But your first Orangetheory class is free no matter where you are.


I really like how OTF made it easy to understand how hard something is by using splat points in their classes and the Orange Zone app on my phone.

I agree with the idea that you should push your body by working out harder to get in better shape.

But I also think there is too much talk about the splat points and the afterburn effect, because it makes it sound like you need to reach 12 points for the workout to be effective.

This is wrong because everyone is different.

Without training in the orange and red zone, you can improve your body composition, health, and performance by doing steady-state cardio and lifting weights.

FAQ – Orangetheory Splat Points


How many splat points is too many?

3 answers. Splat points are the number of minutes spent in the orange and red heart rate zones. In general, 34 minutes is a lot of time to spend there.

Most of the time, you want members to reach 20 or so, but it depends a lot on the person.

What happens when you get 12 splat points?

Getting all 12 splat points will definitely give you EPOC and keep your metabolism

How are splat points calculated at Orangetheory?

Here at Orangetheory, one Splat Point is given for every minute spent in the Red or Orange heart rate zones, where the heart is working the hardest. At least 12 of these points are the goal for each workout.

What is a good splat score?

In Orangetheory, Splat Points show how long someone was in the Orange and Red zones.

Ellen Latham, co-founder of Orangetheory, and the OTF fitness experts tell us to try to get at least 12 Splat Points per class to burn the most calories, even after your one-hour workout is over.

This article I have created to give you the complete information about the Orangetheory Splat Points with its services you get.

Check out the given all details which helps you to know about the OrangeTheory. Get detailed information about membership at

If you want to know about the other gym prices then visit our website

Disclaimer: We gathers actual OrangeTheory cost information from sources such as on-site visits, and phone interviews. The membership cost reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. the OrangeTheory cost reported on this website may not be current and may vary by location. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual fitness centre of interest to you.

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