Brain Gym July 2024

Do you want to improve your brain function, learning and performance? If so, you may want to consider Brain Gym.

A series of 26 easy activities called Brain Gym are intended to stimulate the brain and enhance connection between its two hemispheres.

It is predicated on the notion that movement can aid in the development of new cerebral connections and pathways that can enhance learning and brain function.

Brain Gym

We will go over what Brain Gym is, how it functions, and the advantages it provides in this article. The most well-liked Brain Gym activities will also be demonstrated, along with instructions on how to perform them.


What is Brain Gym?

A regimen of exercises and activities called “Brain Gym,” also referred to as “Educational Kinesiology,” is intended to improve various brain processes and assist learning.

It is predicated on the notion that physical activity can enhance brain function, enhancing access to and effectiveness of learning and daily tasks.


Brain Gym Membership Price

Membership Type Price (USD)
Full Professional Membership 50
Student Membership 15
International Membership 35

How Brain Gym Works

Brain Gym works by activating the brain and integrating the two hemispheres of the brain. Additionally, it fosters cross-lateralization or communication between the brain’s two hemispheres.

When We perform Brain Gym exercises, we are Communicating with the brain in a way that supports the development of new neuronal connections and pathways. Learning and brain function may be enhanced as a result.


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Brain Gym Exercises

Brain Gym exercises are designed to integrate body movements, eye movements, and brain functions. They aim to activate various parts of the brain and facilitate learning, focus and coordination.

These exercises are relatively simple, making them accessible to individuals of all ages and fitness levels.

1. Cross Crawl

  • Objective: Enhance coordination between the left and right brain hemispheres.
  • Execution: Stand or sit upright. Lift your left knee while touching it with your right hand, then switch to the right knee and left hand. Continue this alternating movement for about 1-2 minutes.
  • Benefits: Promotes better communication between brain hemispheres, aiding in improved focus and learning capabilities.

2. Hook-ups

  • Objective: Relieve stress and enhance concentration.
  • Execution: Sit comfortably. Cross your ankles and interlace your fingers, turning your palms outward. Take slow, deep breaths and maintain this position for a few minutes.
  • Benefits: Calms the mind, reduces stress, and encourages a state of relaxation, allowing for better focus.

3. Water Integration

  • Objective: Optimize brain and body function through hydration.
  • Execution: Drink a glass of water while being mindful and present during the process.
  • Benefits: Proper hydration supports brain function and overall physical health, ensuring optimal performance during Brain Gym exercises.

4. Positive Points

  • Objective: Stimulate acupressure points for emotional balance and mental clarity.
  • Execution: Gently hold or tap acupressure points like the “K-27” points (located below the collarbone) while taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Benefits: Helps in managing emotions, reducing anxiety, and promoting a balanced mental state.

5. Energy Yawn

  • Objective: Relieve tension and stress, promoting a sense of relaxation.
  • Execution: Stand or sit comfortably, and let out a pretend yawn while stretching your arms wide and exhaling audibly.
  • Benefits: Relaxes the body, releases tension, and encourages deeper breathing, which is essential for brain function.

How to Use Brain Gym

Brain Gym can be used by students of all ages and grade levels. It can be used before or after school, during breaks or at home.

Here are some tips for using Brain Gym with students:

  • Start with the basics. There are a few essential Brain Gym exercises that all students can benefit from such as the Energy Cross Crawl, Lazy Eights and Brain Buttons.
  • Be creative. There are many ways to adapt Brain Gym exercises for different students and learning styles. For example, you can use music, games and stories to make Brain Gym more fun and engaging.
  • Make it part of the routine. The more students do Brain Gym exercises, the more benefits they will experience. Consider incorporating Brain Gym exercises into your classroom routine such as doing a few exercises before and after each lesson.

Benefits of Brain Gym

Brain Gym has been shown to Offer a number of benefits including:

  • Improved academic Performance: Brain Gym Can help students to improve their reading, writing and math skills.
  • Enhanced cognitive function: Brain Gym can help to improve memory, attention, and concentration.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Brain Gym can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improved Physical Coordination: Brain Gym can help to improve balance, coordination and motor skills.

Tips for Effective Brain Gym Practice

Tips for Effective Brain Gym Practice

  • Start with the basics. There are a few essential Brain Gym exercises that everyone can benefit from, such as the Energy Cross Crawl, Lazy Eights, and Brain Buttons.
  • Be consistent. The more often you do Brain Gym exercises, the more benefits you will experience. Aim to do Brain Gym exercises for at least 10-15 minutes each day.
  • Be mindful. Pay attention to your body and mind as you do each exercise. Notice any changes in your mood, energy level, or focus.
  • Be creative. There are many ways to adapt Brain Gym exercises to make them more fun and engaging. For example, you can use music, games, and stories to make Brain Gym more enjoyable.
  • Be patient. It takes time to see the full benefits of Brain Gym practice. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and you will eventually start to notice a difference.

Theoretical Foundations of Brain Gym

Brain Gym is based on a number of theoretical foundations, including:

  • Neuroplasticity: The brain is constantly changing and adapting.
  • Integration: The two hemispheres of the brain work together to process information and control movement.
  • Cross-lateralization: When the two hemispheres of the brain communicate effectively, it leads to improved learning and performance.

The Origins of Brain Gym

Brain Gym, an educational Program integrating movement to enhance learning was Created by Paul and Gail Dennison in the 1970s.

It argues that Specific physical exercises can improve brain health and focus, memory and Comprehension. The foundation of this argument is educational kinesiology.

The Program employs repetitive motions designed to target Particular brain regions and neural networks in order to enhance learning Stages and Cognitive Performance, Particularly in individuals who have difficulty learning.

There has been discussion over Brain Gym’s efficacy in academic and Scientific circles Which calls for more investigation and examination.

Brain Gym Opening Hours

Days Hours
Monday 9 am to 5 pm
Tuesday 9 am to 5 pm
Wednesday 9am to 5 pm
Thursday 9am to 5 pm
Friday 9am to 5 pm
Saturday 10 am to 2 pm
Sunday Closed

Brain Gym Near Me Location


The safe and efficient method of brain fitness is called brain gym. It is appropriate for all ages and skill levels of people.

You may make the most of your Brain Gym exercise and enjoy all of its advantages by paying attention to the aforementioned advice.

FAQs About Brain Gym

What is the best way to get started with Brain Gym?

Start with Brain Gym by familiarizing yourself with basic exercises through official resources or a certified instructor.

How often should I do Brain Gym exercises?

Aim for daily Brain Gym exercises to optimize benefits, adjusting based on personal preferences and goals.

Can Brain Gym help with specific learning disabilities or challenges?

Brain Gym may aid individuals with learning challenges by promoting movement and brain integration, but consult a professional for tailored advice.

Can Brain Gym help with ADHD or autism?

Brain Gym might offer benefits for ADHD or autism by incorporating movement and sensory integration, but consult specialists for personalized guidance.

Is Brain Gym safe for young children?

Brain Gym is generally safe for young children when performed under adult supervision and following appropriate guidelines and exercises.

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