The Ultimate Guide to the Viking Workout July 2024

Are you looking for an intense workout that will help you achieve your fitness goals? Look no further than the Viking Workout. It is an intense, challenging, and rewarding workout that will help you build strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

The Viking Workout is a great way to get your body in peak physical condition and push it to its limits.

The Ultimate Guide to the Viking Workout

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to get Viking fit and start your journey toward becoming a Viking warrior.


You will learn about the benefits of the Viking Workout, the exercises and routines that make up the workout, and the nutrition tips you need to maximize your results.

Get ready to get Viking fit and start your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.


What is the Viking Workout?

The Viking workout is an intense full-body strength training program inspired by the fitness practices of Viking warriors. It is a challenging workout that will help you build strength, endurance, and mental toughness.

You can perform the Viking workout at home or at the gym, although it is recommended that you have a set of free weights, a timer, and a mat to perform the exercises safely.


Viking workouts can be performed as part of a larger fitness routine but are also effective as a stand-alone workout.

They are a great way to get your body in peak physical condition and push it to its limits. If you are looking for a new challenge and want to try a different kind of workout, the Viking workout is a great option for you.

Viking Full Body Routine

This is a full-body workout plan where you work out every part of your body three times a week. If you stick to this workout plan, you will have a normal day of rest between workout days.

After each round, you will have two days off. Your workout split will look like this if you follow this plan:

  • Day 1
  • Off
  • Day 2
  • Off
  • Day 3
  • Off
  • Off

Viking Full Body Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps
Viking Full Body Workout – Day 1
Back Squat 4 – 32
Bench Press 3 – 25
Barbell Rows 3 – 25
Seated Leg Curls 3 – 30
Seated Dumbbell Press/ Military Press 2 – 20
Wide-grip Pulldowns 3 – 30
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)
Viking Full Body Workout – Day 2
Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12 or 3 – 30
Leg Press 3 – 30
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30
Close-grip T-bar or Cable Rows 3 – 30
Lateral Raises/Barbell Shrugs 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Straight Arm Pulldowns/Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each
Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Viking Full Body Workout – Day 3
Back Squat 4 – 32
Bench Press 3 – 25
Barbell Rows 3 – 25
Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30
Seated Dumbbell Press or Military Press 2 – 20
Close-grip Pulldowns 3 – 30
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)

Viking Upper/Lower Split Routine

This is a four-day upper/lower split. Under this workout plan, your workouts will be broken up in the following way:

  • Day 1: Upper 1
  • Day 2: Lower 1
  • Day 3: Off
  • Day 4: Upper 2
  • Day 5: Lower 2
  • Day 6: Off
  • Day 7: Off

Viking Upper/Lower Split Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps
Upper Day 1
Bench Press 4 – 32
Barbell Rows 4 – 32
Military Press 3 – 25
Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30
One-arm Cable or Dumbbell Rows 3 – 30
Straight-arm Pulldowns or Facepulls 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Lower Day 1
Back Squat 4 – 32
Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12/3 – 30
Hack Squat 3 – 30
Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30
Single-leg Leg Press 3 – 35
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40
Upper Day 2
Bench Press 4 – 32
Barbell Rows 4 – 32
Military Press 3 – 25
Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30
Lateral Raises/Barbell Shrugs 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Overhead Cable Extensions or Cable Hammer Curls 3 supersets of 35 reps each
Lower Day 2
Back Squat 4 – 32
Romanian Deadlift 3 – 30
Leg Press 3 – 30
Leg Extensions or Leg Curls 3 – 35
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40

Viking Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs Routine

You have to work out your body 5 days a week, dividing your workouts into Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs. In this workout plan, your workouts will be broken up in the following way:

  • Day 1: Upper
  • Day 2: Lower
  • Day 3: Off
  • Day 4: Pull
  • Day 5: Push
  • Day 6: Legs
  • Day 7: Off

Viking Upper/Lower/Pull/Push/Legs Routine

Exercises Sets – Reps
Upper Day
Bench Press 4 – 32
Barbell Rows 4 – 32
Military Press 3 – 25
Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30
Barbell Curls/ Skullcrushers 3 supersets of 30 reps each
Straight-Arm Pulldowns/ Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each
Lower Day
Back Squat 4 – 32
Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift 2 – 12/3 – 30
Hack Squat 3 – 30
Lying Leg Curls 3 – 30
Single-leg Leg Press 3 – 35
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 sets of 40 reps each
Pull Day
Barbell Rows 4 – 32
Wide-grip Pulldowns or Pull-ups 3 – 30
T-Bar, Cable or Dumbbell Rows 3 – 30
Close-grip Pulldowns 3 – 35
Straight-arm Pulldowns/Facepulls 3 supersets of 40 reps each
Barbell Curls 3 – 30
Hammer Curls (with either dumbbell or cable) 3 – 35
Push Day
Bench Press 4 – 32
Military Press 3 – 25
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 – 30
Cable Crossovers 3 – 40
Lateral Raises 3 – 30
Skullcrushers 3 – 30
Overhead Cable Extensions 3 – 35
Leg Day
Back Squat 4 – 32
Romanian Deadlift 3 – 30
Leg Press 3 – 30
Leg Extensions/Leg Curls 3 supersets of 35 reps each
Abs supersetted with Calves 3 – 40 (each)

Benefits of the Viking Workout

There are many benefits to performing the Viking workout as part of your fitness routine. First, Viking workouts are great for building strength.

They help you gain strength in all parts of your body, including your core, upper and lower body, and even your bones.

Viking workouts also improve your overall physical fitness and endurance by increasing your resting metabolic rate and helping you burn more calories throughout the day.

Finally, Viking workouts are great for building mental toughness and discipline. They will help you get your mindset right and push through challenging moments with strength and resilience.

Viking Workout Exercises

There are many exercises that make up the Viking workout. If you are new to strength training, you should consult a doctor before starting any exercise routine.

This will help you identify any issues that may limit your ability to perform certain exercises and modify your workout as needed.

Here are four exercises from the Viking workout that you can try out to get started.

  • Squats – Squats are a great exercise that works out your lower body and core. To do a squat correctly, stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and back straight. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then return to standing. Try to keep your knees directly above your ankles and your back straight the entire time.
  • Push-Ups – Push-ups are a great exercise for your upper body. To do a push-up the Viking way, place your hands on the ground, wider than shoulder-width apart, with your feet on the ground behind you. Slowly lower your body until your nose touches the ground and push back up. Try to keep your back straight and your body in one straight line.
  • Lunges – Lunges are a great lower body exercise that will help you strengthen your core and increase your leg muscle strength. To do Viking lunges, stand with your feet hip-width apart, and hold a weighted item in each hand. Take a large step forward with one foot, lowering your back knee towards the ground, and then return to your original position.
  • Push Press – A push press is a compound exercise that works out your upper body and core. To do a push press, hold a weighted item in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, and keep your back straight. Push your arms to the sky until your arms are parallel to the ground, then quickly return your arms back to your sides.

Nutrition Tips for Viking Workout Success

Nutrition Tips for Viking Workout Success

The type and quantity of foods you eat can significantly impact your ability to get in shape and reach your fitness goals. The right diet can help you build muscle, shed extra weight, and feel better overall.

The wrong diet, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect, slowing down your progress and making you feel sluggish, tired, and unhealthy.

Here are a few nutrition tips that will help you get the most out of your Viking workout and help you reach your fitness goals faster.

  • Eat Enough – It is important to eat enough to help fuel your body and give it the energy it needs to get through your workouts.If you do not eat enough, your body will not have what it needs to be healthy and perform at its peak performance.
  • Eat the Right Amount of Calories – You need to consume the right amount of calories to help your body build muscle and shed extra weight. If you eat too many calories, your body will store them as fat and prevent you from reaching your fitness goals.

On the other

  • Make Sure to Get Enough Protein – Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. It also helps you maintain a healthy metabolism and is a great source of energy.

Getting Started with the Viking Workout

The best way to get started with the Viking workout is to first set your fitness goals. Why do you want to start exercising? What do you want to achieve with your fitness routine?

Once you have your goals in mind, you can start working towards achieving them by trying out the Viking workout.

It is important to start slowly and gradually build up your routine so your body has enough time to adjust.

If you have never exercised before, it is recommended that you start with light cardio exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Viking Workout – Video Tutorial

How to Maximize Your Results with the Viking Workout

To maximize your results with the Viking workout, you need to make sure that you are doing the workout properly and eating a balanced diet.

Here are a few tips to help you maximize your results with the Viking workout: – Warm Up and Cool Down – It is important to warm up your body before you start your workout and cool down afterwards.

A warm-up will help you prevent injury, get your muscles ready for the workout, and increase your blood flow.

A cool-down will help your body recover after the workout by lowering your heart rate and bringing your blood flow back to normal.

  • Always Perform the Exercises Correctly – It is important to always perform the exercises correctly to prevent injury and gain the maximum results from the workout. Make sure you are using proper form when performing each exercise and ask for help if you are unsure.
  • Stay Hydrated – It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Drinking the recommended eight glasses of water per day is a great place to start, but you also want to make sure to drink water before, during, and after your workout.

Safety Considerations for the Viking Workout

Any exercise program comes with a certain level of risk. It is important to understand the risks associated with the Viking workout and take the necessary precautions to prevent injury.

Here are a few safety considerations to keep in mind while working out with the Viking workout:

  • Warm up Before Your Workout- It is important to warm up your body before your workout. Warm-up exercises can include light cardio, stretches, or light resistance band exercises.
  • Cool Down After Your Workout- It is also important to cool down after your workout. A cool-down helps your body recover after the workout by lowering your heart rate and bringing your blood flow back to normal.
  • Eat Enough Calories- Eating enough calories is important to your health and fitness goals. It is also important to eat the right amount of calories to avoid gaining too much weight.
  • Stay Hydrated 

Viking Workout Hints and Tips

Use the following tips and tricks to get even more out of your workouts.

The Ultimate Guide to the Viking Workout

▶ Go berserk with pre-workout

The Vikings used bog myrtle, a herb, to give them more energy, stamina, and anger. In fact, Vikings who were high on bog myrtle were often called “berserkers.”

This is where the phrase “going berserk” comes from, which means to lose your mind with anger. Take a shot of pre-workout to get ready for your Viking workout.

▶ Progression

If you keep doing the same workout, you won’t make much progress. Use progressively heavier weights to force your muscles to get stronger and grow.

Even adding just five pounds to the bar will help you get stronger. But don’t give up good form to lift more weight. Bad form can lead to injury, and if you get hurt and have to stop training, you’ll lose more than you gain.

▶ Feed your muscles, fuel your workouts

Fuel is food. Make sure you give your body the energy and nutrients it needs by eating a healthy, varied diet full of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

Take a page from the Paleo diet and eat like a Viking. Avoid most processed foods and eat more of what you could have grown or hunted.

▶ Rest and sleep

When you train hard, your body has to do a lot of work. This uses up your energy and breaks down your muscles.

Make sure you get at least 7–9 hours of sleep every night so your body can repair and grow. The Vikings were known for partying, but they also liked to take it easy. After all, raiding and fighting all day was hard work!

▶ Exercise substitutions

You can change the exercises in this program, but make sure you keep the same spirit. For example, you can do front squats instead of back squats, but you shouldn’t do leg extensions.

Choose exercises that let you lift a lot of weight at once. After all, that is what will make you strong and powerful like a Viking.

▶ Optional arm exercises

You’ve probably noticed that the Viking workouts don’t have any direct arm exercises. This is because each pulling and pushing exercise works the biceps and triceps in a different way.

If you want to work your arms directly, do one biceps and one triceps exercise at the end of your workouts.

You could do thick bar bicep curls, hammer curls, dips, or close grip bench presses. Exercises like concentration curls and kickbacks are not good for Vikings.

▶ Be consistent

It was a way of life to be a Viking. The same goes for your Viking workouts. For the next 6–8 weeks, give this program your all and try not to miss any workouts.

After that time, you’ll be ready for another training plan, like our strength sports workout, functional bodybuilding plan, or Myo-reps workout.

Final Words

You can choose whichever of the three routines above works best for you and your schedule. These workout plans will give your body the right amount of challenge and stress it needs to grow bigger and stronger muscles.

These workout plans will definitely bring out the berserker in you. So, what are you waiting for? Do these workouts and test your physical and mental strength to the max to grow like a Viking.

FAQs – Viking Workout

FAQs - Viking Workout

What is the Viking workout?

A Viking Workout Routine Worthy of Thor

This means a lot of farming, building ships, rowing, and other activities from the Middle Ages that turned men and women into warriors. The focus wasn’t on size, but on strength and determination.

Did Vikings do weightlifting?

Running, jumping, skiing, skating, and horse racing were also popular sports. People liked doing things like lifting boulders as weights to see how strong they were.

How did Vikings get so ripped?

Shaul says that the Vikings worked out every day on what he calls their “tactical or combat chassis.” This is their legs, hips, and core. They did this by farming, which meant lifting heavy things, building ships, which meant cutting down trees, and rowing (strengthening legs, arms, and lungs).

? This article I have created to give you complete information about Viking Workout with the services you get.

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Disclaimer: Viking Workout information above are for estimate only. The data has been gathered from various sources Like online, on-site, and/or via phone. All prices and information provided on this website are averaged and should only be used as estimates.
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