Jason Statham Diet Plan & Workout Routine July 2024 ❤

If you’re an avid fan of action films, you’ve surely dreamed of having a physique similar to that of Jason Statham at some point in your life. His beautiful physique and athletic abilities make Jason Statham among the top loved action movie stars.

In addition to following a strict exercise program, Statham follows a strict diet program. This allows him to keep his athletic and muscular physique throughout his 50s.

If you’d like to discover the secrets of his diet, this article will surely provide you with the information you need. We will discuss Jason Statham’s food regimen that helps keep his body in top shape all year round. Let’s take a look.

Jason Statham Diet Plan & Workout


If you had to create an A-list of Hollywood stars with the most beautiful bodies, Jason Statham would probably be among the top Five. Unlike the other actors, Statham has maintained his muscular physique throughout his career

Jason’s t-shirtless scenes of The Transporter and the Death Race likely were more popular than the film’s plot. Additionally, Statham’s sleek body has made him the go-to Hollywood supermodel.


A considerable action film at your local cinema? It’s likely to have Jason Statham starring in it. It’s not too soon after the Oxford dictionary includes “Statham” as a synonym for “action”.

Jason Statham Diet Plan

Each diet program is designed to help achieve specific fitness-oriented objectives, and Jason Statham’s diet plan isn’t any different. The diet plan focuses on providing his body with all of the necessary nutrients that aid in the growth and maintenance of lean muscle mass.


It is also geared towards fat loss and helps keep his physique in top shape all year long in the literal sense.

To keep his lean and lean body to maintain his lean and muscular physique, it is recommended that the bodybuilder and star consume around 2000 calories per day.

He regularly consumes plenty of healthy and nutritious foods throughout the day. Jason statham enjoys snacking on peanut butter or other nuts.

When you look at the muscular physique, one is sure that eating enough protein should be a key component of his diet.

He indeed makes sure that he is eating enough vitamins and carbs. For this reason, He eats brown rice, steamed veggies, and miso soup.An interview with Jason’s trainer Logan Hood revealed Jason Statham’s diet program.

He stated that when Jason must perform in physically demanding films, He eats as many as six meals per day with intervals of 2-3 hours. This helps him maintain his blood sugar levels in check. This also helps keep his metabolism under control.

Jason Statham Diet Plan

Jason Statham’s Meal Plan

Meal 1- Breakfast 4 whole egg omelets, 100 grams of oats, seasonal fruits
Meal 2- Lunch 150-200 grams of boiled chicken breast, 100 grams of rice, steamed vegetables
Meal 3- Snack A bowl of nuts and seasonal fruits
Meal 4- Dinner 200 grams of lean beef, salad, miso soup

What food does Jason Statham eat?

A lean and robust physique all through the year isn’t something you can achieve solely by working out at the gym. Food choices can also play a significant way.

Jason Statham has always been careful about the food items that he eats. He makes sure to eat healthy and nutritious foods. The most popular foods you can quickly locate in his diet charts are listed below:

  • ✅ Whole eggs
  • ✅ Rice
  • ✅ Chicken breast
  • ✅ Oats
  • ✅ Seasonal fruits
  • ✅ Vegetables
  • ✅ Lean beef
  • ✅ Salad

Jason Statham Diet Plan

What food does Jason Statham avoid?

Jason Statham has always been strict about his diet. So, he is always careful that he doesn’t eat any items that may affect his performance on the field.

These are the items that are an absolute no-no in his nutritional plan:

  • ❌ Junk foods
  • ❌ Additives
  • ❌ Artificial sweeteners
  • ❌ Fried foods
  • ❌ Chemical ingredients
  • ❌ Carbonated drinks

Jason Statham Supplements

To ensure that his body is meeting its nutritional needs for the day, Statham includes certain supplements in his diet to make it healthier and healthy. Jason Statham’s supplements stack includes the following:

➭Protein powder:

Jason Statham relies on consuming shakes with protein to supply the muscles of his body with a rapid intake of amino acids. Protein shakes can help Jason in meeting his daily protein needs.

In addition to taking a protein shake following his workout, he prefers to drink one right before going to bed. This helps maintain his body in an anabolic condition even when asleep.


Creatine is among the most researched supplements that increase endurance and athletic performance.

For people like Statham, who works out like a superhuman and executes all his action sequences keeping their bodies in good shape is essential.

Jason Statham Workout Routine

When it concerns working out at home and in your gym, Jason Statham has one essential rule and principle -the rule is not to perform the same routine repeatedly during your workout.

The reason behind this is twofold.First, it ensures you don’t lose interest while working out.

If you create an exercise routine and program precisely the same thing every day of the week, you’ll be bored.


Pyramid Circuit Training:

Pyramid circuits are a basic idea. The basic idea is that they gradually raise the level of exertion by performing more reps. This will be the way it should work.

You perform the exercises listed below in rapid intervals. After that, you repeat the exercise with two reps of each, followed by three reps. Each set will introduce more reps, and you’ll soon begin to feel the heat.

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes on the rowing machine
  • Push-Ups
  • PullUps
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Stiff-legged Deadlifts
  • Hanging Leg Raises
  • Cool Down: 10 minutes on the rowing machine.


Static Hold Circuit and Big Five 55 Training:

It is an exercise designed to maximize an increase in strength. Two distinct types of exercises may make you cry for assistance.

Static Hold Circuit:

You will be doing four sets of each, and it’s essential to understand that there will be minimal movement. Essentially, you hold the weight in place to put a strain on a group of muscles.

You’ll hold the weight for 30 seconds before moving on to the next set to repeat the same. Take a 10-second break after completing an entire circuit.

  • Warm Up: 10 minutes on the rowing machine
  • Flat Bench Press
  • Shoulder Military Press
  • Dumbbell Chest Flys
  • Dumbbell Tricep Pressdowns
  • Bar Dips
  • Kettlebell Farmer Hold
  • Bodyweight Squat and Hold
  • Cool Down: 10 minutes on the rowing machin

If you thought that you could do an excellent job with the static hold, If you thought the static hold was difficult, wait until you see this. In this video, Jason runs through five exercises, beginning with ten reps for each set.

Then, he repeats the same exercises repeatedly, with nine repetitions. After each circuit, his reps decrease by one rep.
The reason for this name is that you’ll have completed 55 repetitions for each workout at the end.



Start by warming up with 500m of rowing, followed by an active relaxation (walk around your home/gym). Four sets.


  • Shadowboxing Warm Up: 5 minutes
  • Lunges for Legs Warm Up: 5 minutes
  • Punching/kicking vs. Padded Target: 5 times 3 minutes
  • Punching/kicking vs. Heavy Bag: 3 times 2 minutes
  • Punching/kicking vs. Speed Bag: 1 times 3 minutes
  • Kettlebell Farmer Hold: 3 sets of carrying heavy weight for 500 yards


Lower Body and Push-ups:

There are fewer exercises on this list. However, this doesn’t mean they can’t cause injury. Put on weights for the squats for the most effective results.

  • 10 minutes rowing warm-up
  • Bodyweight Squats: 20 reps
  • Weighted Front Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlift: 4 sets of 1 rep at 130%, 140%, 160%, and 180% of your body weight
  • Reverse Crunches: until it really hurts
  • Cooldown: 200 Pushups


Cumulative Routine:

It’s a difficult day that will focus on several various muscles.
This benefit is that it naturally increases growth hormone and testosterone production. This will be evident with more defined muscles.

  • Warm Up: Rope Climbs: 5 reps
  • Warm Up: Bear Crawls: 5 reps of 20 yards
  • Warm Up: Crab Walks: 5 reps of 20 yards
  • Front Squats: 5 reps at 120% body weight
  • Medicine Ball Slams: 5 reps
  • Rope Pulls: 5 reps
  • Flat Bench Press: 10 reps
  • Medicine Ball Slams: 10 reps
  • Pull Ups: 15 reps
  • Medicine Ball Slams: 10 reps
  • Bar Dips: 15 reps
  • Medicine Ball Slams: 15 reps
  • Rope Pulls: 20 reps
  • Medicine Ball Slams: 20 reps


Contextual Workout:

It’s primarily aerobic at this point, and the most effective way to accomplish this is to take a walk and run for at least an hour.


Rest Day:

It is essential and should take advantage of yoga or stretching.

FAQ – Jason Statham Diet Plan & Workout

?How did Jason Statham lose weight?

The actor was forced to undergo a new training program and shed 17 pounds over six months. What do you have to be still? “He’s a bit lardy, isn’t he?” Jason Statham declares in his raunchy British voice, laughing.

?What is Jason Statham workout?

Warm-up (Part 1): Rowing. Similar to Day 1. Jason runs for 10 minutes on the rowing machine at a speed of under 20 strokes (SPM). (Jason’s distance: 2095 metres).

The warm-up (Part II): Jason does 20 reps of bodyweight squats before transitioning to the main part of the exercise.

?What does Jason Statham eat in a day?

Jason Statham has a very nutritious diet that includes chicken, fish Oats, nuts, and oats. While eating lots of protein, Jason eats vegetables and brown rice.

?How does Jason Statham stay fit?

To remain lean and increase muscles, Statham consumes a diet that is mostly fat-free and carb-free food items like beans, nuts, fish, and chicken. Statham also indulges in chocolates from time to time.

However, he is careful to consume sweet and starchy food during the daytime to ensure that he can have the time needed to burn off extra calories.

?Is it healthy to workout every day?

What is the ideal amount? A day off every week is often recommended when planning your workout routine. However, there are times when you be tempted to exercise each day.

 So long as you’re not trying to push yourself too far or becoming obsessed about it, exercising each day is acceptable.

Check out the Complete details of Jason Statham Diet Plan & Workout Routine

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